Common Eggplant Problems: How to Fix Them, Solutions, and Treatment

Common Eggplant Problems: How to Fix Them, Solutions, and Treatment
Common Eggplant Problems: How to Fix Them, Solutions, and Treatment

Eggplant is a commonly grown hot weather vegetable noted for its great taste, shape, and dark violet color. Wide varieties can also be grown in the home garden. They consist of different colors and sizes, which can all add unique flavor to many recipes or dishes. Eggplant problems and pests can occur from time to time when growing Eggplant; however, with proper care, you can also prevent them. Let’s check out 21 common Eggplant problems below.

21 common Eggplant problems

Eggplant leaves are wilting

When you over-water Eggplant, root rot affects your plant, which prevents plants from taking water and causes them to wilt. Underwatered plants also wilt, grow poorly and produce pithy fruits. 

Solution – Eggplant needs about 1 inch of water a week, and more in hot or airy weather or when growing in sandy soil.

Eggplant plant is not growing


Many garden pests like Eggplants cause various growth problems. The aphids and cutworms chew the seedlings on the ground level. White fly weakens the Eggplant by sucking the juice from the leaves. Flea beetles chew Eggplant leaves, causing small holes. This damage prevents the Eggplant seedlings from growing. 

Solution – Push a plastic or cardboard collar around the stem an inch in the soil to prevent damage to the stem. Spraying plants with water helps wash these insects, including ladybugs and flies. Organic insecticidal spray can help eliminate flies from the leaf. Frequent weeds and companion planting solve the problem of flea beetles.

Soil condition

For extraordinary growth, Eggplants require well-drained soil rich in nitrogen and phosphorus. 

Solution – If your soil lacks these conditions, your Eggplants will grow the leaves but not give any fruit. To add nutrients to the soil, you should spread compost or manure in your garden.


The leaves of your Eggplants can roll downwards when the temperature rises above 32°C. The growth of plants also stops due to extreme heat.

Solution – If so, water your Eggplants regularly, ensuring the water reaches the depth of the soil. If the temperature is too cool, usually below 18°C, the flowers will fall, and you will not get any fruit. Cold weather also stunts the growth of Eggplants.


Lack of sunlight causes stunted growth in the Eggplants. They need the full sun all day long. 

Solution – If your garden doesn’t provide full sun, consider putting Eggplant in containers that you can move to sunny areas.


Each Eggplant flower has male and female organs that pollinate themselves to produce fruits. Bees and air help flowers move pollen from male to female. 

Solution – If your Eggplants are not growing, you can help pollinate flowers by tapping them on plants to spread pollen. You can also use a paintbrush to help with pollination. Once your Eggplants include moist, nutritious soil, temperatures ranging from 21°C to 29°C, and companion plants, your garden should produce plenty of tender, well-formed Eggplants.

Eggplant leaf roll

Low temperature can cause the roll of Eggplant leaves. It can be seen when leaves start sprouting, and you can see that the leaves start rolling on their own, although a known disease does not cause it, so it can be due to the reaction of the weather or temperature.

Solution – The most common reason for rolling Eggplant leaves is not to water them properly. The plants have well-watered to prevent the rolling of leaves. If you’re not taking the time to water your Eggplants as you should, you can see that the Eggplant leaves start to roll downwards.

Poor quality Eggplants

Poor quality Eggplant fruits are usually associated with low humidity and high-temperature conditions. In addition, the more mature Eggplant fruit will be dull-colored and often produce a bronze appearance. 

Solution – For maximum production, remove the Eggplant fruit before fully maturing to develop the extra fruit.

Eggplant leaves turn yellow

Yellow leaves are often caused by maintenance problems such as irregular water or lack of nitrogen in the soil. 

Solution – Apply 2 to 4 inches of organic mulch and water these plants more frequently, preferably in the morning. Eggplants that develop to turn yellow overall may need nitrogen soil tests will immediately reveal if this is the situation. A dose of balanced fertilizer, such as 10-10-10, will solve this situation immediately.

Produce little or no fruit

Another potential problem you may face is that plants still see a fresh one with green leaves produce little or no fruit. It can be caused by a lack of essential elements like phosphorus in the soil composition. 

Solution – Add aged compost to the planting bed before planting and side-side the plants with aged compost. If the night temperature is cool, place a wire cage around the Eggplants and cover the cage with plastic at night. Increase pollination and fruit production by lightly taping plants to ensure pollen distribution.

Eggplant flowers are dying

When the Eggplant plant is stressed, its flowers will dry up and fall without producing fruit. The most common reason for Eggplant coming under stress is dehydration. 

Solution – Your Eggplant needs at least 1 inch of water a week, more in very hot weather.

Eggplant leaves turn white

The common reason for Eggplant leaves turning white is the sun’s burns. White starts as a small spot in this instance and eventually spreads to engulf the entire leaf. In some cases, this looks like you’ve sprinkled a bottle of bleach all over the garden.

Solution – To prevent sunburns, ensure careful when transplanting and let the plants harden. Also, keep your bed’s weeds and insect-free and ensure that the soil is well-drained and healthy. By doing so, you can guarantee a season of almost bright green leaves and amazing fruit.


Cercospora leaf spot 

This fungal disease affects Eggplant leaves and stems; fruit is unaffected. Symptoms of this disease are small, round yellow lesions on the leaves. Eventually, the lesions develop soft, gray foam in the center with a dark brown ring around its exterior. Severe disease can cause defoliation and reduce fruit size and production.

Solution – This disease survives in winter in plant debris, and when spring comes, spores are spread by wind, rain, people, and animals. To keep spores away from plants, mulch newly planted seedlings with straw or prevent the infected soil from splashing onto the leaves.


Symptoms of damping-off disease are dark, water-soaked lesions on the base of young seedlings or leaf growth. Eventually, the infected seedling falls over. These fungi can survive long periods in soil, plant debris, and weeds. 

Solution – Keep the wind circulating the seedlings and water from the bottom whenever possible. Sterilize pots before reusing them and remove any symptomatic seedlings to prevent the disease from spreading.

Alternaria rot 

The fruits affected by this fungus produce small, grey, water-soaked lesions, often starting at the lower end of the fruit or the place of injury. Eventually, the lesions increase in size and produce blurred-looking spots of seeds. 

Solution – Discard the affected fruits as soon as they see them and prevent the disease from spreading to other fruits by using organic fungicides.

Anthracnose fruit rot 

This fungal disease often remains without symptoms until the fruit is ripe and ready for harvesting. The disease begins as small, submerged, gooey spots that eventually merge into large spots. When the seed is set a few days later, the integrated circles cover the lesions, and you can find spots like orange or pink jelly of seeds covering the lesions.

Solution – Prevent the fruit from touching the soil and harvest it before over ripe. Remove the affected plants from the garden, throw them away, and plant them with disease-free seeds.

Fusarium wilt 

Fusarium wilt symptoms often start with bending leaf petioles. Sometimes a branch can wilt before the rest of the plant. This wilting often begins with lower leaves in Eggplants, rapidly developing the plant until everything falls. Unfortunately, it can often kill the whole plant before reaching maturity. 

Solution – Like many other diseases, it favors warmer soil and more moisture. If fusarium wilt is a problem for you in the past, make sure to rotate crops and try to grow in the raised beds to promote good drainage.

Southern blight 

This disease can attack both seedlings and mature plants. In seedlings, it causes moistness on the soil surface, while in mature plants, it can affect the entire plant causing deep brown lesions on or just below the soil line. A distinct feature of the southern blight is the fan-like webs of white fungi threads that develop around rotten stems. 

Solution – To help control the southern blight in places where the previous infection occurred, maintain a pH of 7 or above. Deep plowing is also effective.

Posted 2 years ago

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