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Introduction to Beans seed germination process: A bean seed begins to germinate when the soil reaches the right temperature requirement and moisture penetrates the seed coat. Under the right conditions, a seed will sprout rapidly, but if the soil is too cold it will just rot. Bean plants are frost-sensitive annuals that grow best during the warm season and plants are among the easiest vegetables to grow.
Bean plant is certain leguminous plants of the family. Rich in protein and providing moderate amounts of iron, thiamin, and riboflavin, beans are used worldwide for cooking in fresh or dried form. The common bean can be bushy, vine-like or climbing depending on the plant variety being grown. The plant leaves grow alternately on the stems, are green or purple and are divided into 3 oval leaflets with smooth edges. In this article we also discussed below topics;
Growing beans in your home garden and serving these low-fat, high-fiber, protein-rich legumes can be a money-saving and rewarding experience. Beans are a healthy good that is loaded with protein and carbohydrates. Beans contain plentiful Iron and Calcium, which are extremely important nutrients for the body.
Plant seeds directly into the garden bed so you won’t have to transplant later. Once the seed germinates, a bean seed resents root disturbance. Plant the bean seeds about 1 inch deep and 3 inches apart in the garden bed. Choose a spot in full sun with loose, well-draining soil. Beans are seeds that have cells that grow into plants. All the nutrients necessary for this process are present in the seed. Plant the beans in rows and the spacing between rows should be about 24 to 36 inches. The gap between the bean seeds or plants should be around 3 to 4 inches. Plant at a depth of about 1 to 2 inches.
Under good conditions, beans germinate in 8 to 10 days. Beans may take 2 weeks or longer if the soil temperature is under 60°F. Wait until daytime temperatures are above 75°F before planting bean for fast seed germination.
Many people soak bean seeds before planting, but this procedure can hamper germination by causing the seeds to crack or rot. Beans seed germinate best in evenly moist, but not soggy soil. Heavy clay soils tend to stay wet longer in the spring and amend them with organic matter such as compost or manure to improve drainage or plant green beans in raised beds.
Pre-sprouting the seeds allows you to decide which ones are viable and eliminates the task of thinning seedlings. Therefore, it saves space in the garden, and by exposing the seeds to ideal conditions, you can give the plants an early start instead of waiting for the soil to warm up to 60°F.
Soaking bean seeds in water could help promote germination. First, fill a bowl with water that’s about 80°F. Put the seeds in the bowl and then place the bowl on a heat mat so the water stays warm. Leave the seeds in the bowl overnight and they can absorb the water and swell. Then, drain the seeds and lay them on a paper towel for a short period until they are dry and easier to handle.
The seed germination speed and overall germination rate in bush bean seeds depend greatly on the conditions. Seeds do not sprout well indoors and transplant poorly. So they should be started in a sunny plant bed outdoors after all danger of frost has passed and the soil has warmed. As with all bean seeds, bush bean seeds need warm conditions to germinate successfully. A soil temperature of 70 to 80°F is ideal, although the seeds sprout at lower soil temperatures with diminished success. Moisture is also key, and it should be monitored strictly to prevent overwatering. The soil should be kept moderately moist while the seeds germinate, but the top 1/2 inch of soil should be allowed to dry out slightly between watering sessions to keep the seeds from drowning.
Germination is the procedure in which a seed, spore, or fungi sprouts, or begins growth. Seed germination process can occur after a period of dormancy and is affected by available light, water, air, and many other variables. They germinate quickly under the right conditions and produce flowers and fruit within 50 to 65 days, depending on the plant variety. If planted too early, though, beans can be slow to germinate or fail to germinate at all. Pay attention to planting times and seed depth. Beans are easy to grow plants and this is why it is a good choice to try for a first-time vegetable gardener. Beans require full sun for at least 6 hours per day. Beans grow best in warm climates and don’t survive well in too cold temperatures.
Bean seeds germinate in around an average of 7 to 10 days. You must keep the soil moist during the germination process. You must water because growing beans need water and will die if the soil gets too dry. And add mulch to the soil to retain moisture. Water your bean seeds regularly. Immediately after planting, give seeds plenty of water to aid in their germination. After planting, you must continue to water the seeds once every 2-3 days, so that the soil is always moist. Avoid overwatering though, as too much water (leaving puddles or pools on the topsoil) will cause the seeds to rot.
When you start to plant the bean seeds, you have to make a plan. The bean spacing requirement will depend on the variety of the bean that you have chosen. Make sure you have enough space between the plants for simple access when they have grown up. Beans have the added value of being highly nutritious, giving you all the more reason to add them to the garden. Beans produce best in soil with good drainage and lots of nutrients. To prepare the soil, mix in garden compost and gardening topsoil into your garden plot.
There are four stages in the bean plant;
Beans produce a different variety of seeds, each concealed inside a pod. As the pod matures on the bean plants, it dries and splits open in the sun. The bean seeds will eventually fall out of the hard, dry, pod to the earth, or gardeners can remove them for storage or planting later. Bean seeds are comprised of 2 halves called cotyledons. Each cotyledon has a food source for the emerging plant. New bean plants can live off of the stored food in the cotyledon for many days, if necessary until they can reach nutrients in the soil.
Bean seeds are dicots, which means that each of the seeds is split into 2 sections and attached by a small thin area. During germination time, the bean seed has four distinct stages of development. If the bean seed is planted in soil, not all of the stages are visible since some occur underground. However, seeds are started in water, or a wet paper towel, all four stages of seed germination are easy to observe.
Watch for a small sprout that emerges from the bottom of the seed. This is the main root of the bean and called the radicle. This stage is visible if the seed is germinated above ground. Wait until the second stage of growth when the major sprout emerges from the top of the plant. This sprout is known as the hypocotyl and is the first sign of growth for plants planted in the soil. And the hypocotyl emerges as a looped green stem that bends toward the ground. It could appear as if the bean seed is located at the top of the sprout but these are called the cotyledons.
Watch as the seed goes through the third stage of growth where the stem straightens up. The two cotyledons break apart and turn toward the sun to reveal the first two leaves. Check the sprouted seed to watch for the fourth stage of germination, which occurs when the two cotyledons fall off and additional leaves appear on the bean plant.
Beans take just 7 to 14 days to seed germinate in the soil at 60 to 85°F soil. At 60°F, the minimum temperature for reliable germination, a seed will likely take a full 14 days to emerge. But when the soil reaches the optimum temperature from 70 to 80°F, it will germinate within 7 to 10 days. For the absolute shortest germination time, grow beans in 80°F soil.
Not every seed will germinate accurately. When growing bean plants, you can expect about 70 percent to sprout. In cold soil below 60°F, germination rates go down as some or all of the seeds will rot before they sprout. On the opposite end of the thermometer, the soil gets above 95°F; a bean seed is likely to suffer damage before it can germinate. Once sprouted, seedlings are sensitive to air temperatures below freezing.
Sprouting the seeds indoors for immediate transplanting in early summer could help ensure more even germination and less wasted seed. Beans don’t tolerate transplanting well, so you should sprout them without soil and plant them in the garden before they begin to form roots. You can sprout the seeds without soil on a paper towel to check the viability of old bean seeds or saved seeds before you plant. The bean seed paper towel germination process can be given below;
Common beans can be affected by several diseases. Some of these diseases can remain in the soil for several years, so grow beans in different areas of the garden each year. To prevent the spread of fungal and bacterial diseases among bean plants, avoid working in your bean patch when the foliage is wet. The best method to get rid of beetles and bugs that might eat the leaves of your plants is to pick them off and toss them into a jar of soapy water.
Beans can be harvested in the snap or green stage, the shelling stage, or the dry stage. Try to harvest beans before the first frost and some gardeners extend their season by covering their plants with sheets, blankets, or row cover ahead of cold weather. Green beans are ready for harvest when the pods are still tender before the bean seeds start to swell. Dry beans are ready for harvest when the pods are dry and brittle and seeds inside are hard.
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