12 Tomato Growth Hacks for a High Yield Harvest | Expert Tips

Maximize your tomato harvest with these 12 expert tips and tricks for growing healthy, flavorful tomatoes. From soil preparation to organic pest control, we've got you covered. Learn how to grow the best tomatoes yet and enjoy a bountiful harvest all season long

25 February 2023

Tomato Seed Germination - Time Period and Procedure Explained

Tomato Seed Germination - Time Period and Procedure Explained

Want to know how to germinate tomato seeds successfully? Learn the time period and procedure for tomato seed germination. Click now for step-by-step instructions and start growing your own delicious tomatoes!

22 June 2022



Having homegrown tomatoes is a source of pride, a thing of beauty, and delicious beyond description. An ideal tomato is an achievement, whether it's an heirloom from our grandmothers or an established northern variety that will grow despite June and September frosts. It is priceless if that perfect tomato is organic, free from pests and diseases, and isn't sprayed with toxic chemicals. Each home gardener, however, faces several challenges, such as pests and diseases. Both pests and weeds pose a threat to tomatoes, which is unfortunate for tomato growers. Those who sow tomato seeds have to deal with tomato insects and pests, weeds, and disease. In addition to attacking your plants, these pests can spread disease as well. As a result, you should prioritize pest control in your tomato garden, if you haven't already. The purpose of this article is to discuss how to recognize the different tomato plant diseases, the reasons for having tomato pests in plants.

25 May 2022



Fruit or vegetable? This debate regarding whether this very red, very tasty vegetable has existed for a while now. Although botanically classified as a fruit, the tomato plant is still very much used more as a vegetable. The tomato plant is very versatile in its usage when it comes to food. It is widely used in salads, soups, gravies and even dips. The tangy yet juicy flavour that it adds to the dishes gives a delicious elevation to any dish. The tomato plant is actually a berry coming from the nightshade family of Solanum Lycopersicum and is native to the South American region. 

23 May 2022

टमाटर की अधिक उपज के लिए प्रूनिंग करने का सही तरीका – How To Prune Tomato Plants For Maximum Yield In Hindi

टमाटर की अधिक उपज के लिए प्रूनिंग करने का सही तरीका – How To Prune Tomato Plants For Maximum Yield In Hindi

यदि आप किचन गार्डनिंग में लगे टमाटर के पौधे की अच्छी ग्रोथ तथा ढेरों टमाटर प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं, तो इसके लिए टमाटर के पौधे की कटाई-छटाई या प्रूनिंग करना बहुत ही जरूरी है, क्योंकि टमाटर प्लांट्स की प्रूनिंग करने से उनमें बहुत ज्यादा टमाटर उगने लगते हैं और ये टमाटर बहुत पौष्टिक और हेल्दी होते हैं। यदि टमाटर के पौधों की उचित तरीके से ट्रिमिंग की जाए तो टमाटर का एक पौधा बड़ी मात्रा में टमाटर देने में सक्षम हो सकते हैं। यदि आप अपने गार्डन में लगे टमाटर के पौधों में कटाई छटाई के सही तरीकों को अपनाएंगे तो पौधे में ज्यादा टमाटर जरूर लगेंगे। आइए इस लेख में टमाटर के पौधे की प्रूनिंग सही तरीके से करने संबंधी जानकारी को विस्तार से समझते हैं।

19 May 2022

Controlling Bacterial Wilt agribegrii

Controlling Bacterial Wilt agribegrii

Bacterial Wilt (BW) is caused by bacteria found in the soil and is one of the major diseases affecting commercially grown plants such as tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, and other solanaceous plants. It is not easy to spot Bacterial Wilt because the symptoms are very different from other wilt infections. In the case of bacterial rot, the leaves do not turn yellow and have spots as do other fungal diseases. Instead, the plant withers and dies quickly, without much warning.

11 May 2022

Kharif Season-Cultivating Tomato

Kharif Season-Cultivating Tomato

Tomato is a high-yielding, short duration crop, and an excellent option for those looking to harvest a commercially important crop, four times a year. It is also well known as a protective and healthy food source, due to its special nutritional values. Tomato is one of the most versatile vegetables, with wide ranging use in Indian culinary tradition. The estimated area under cultivation in India is about 350.000 ha. That’s why this vegetable crop is also very important from an economic point of view.

11 May 2022

tomato agribegri

tomato agribegri

06 May 2022

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