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Some of the most common fungal diseases that infect tomatoes grown in the home garden include Anthracnose fruit rot, Early blight, Septoria leaf spot, Late blight, and Buckeye rot all which produce distinct symptoms making them easily diagnosable by the home gardener.
Diseases of Tomato
Anthracnose Fruit Rot
Anthracnose Fruit Rot is a disease of tomatoes caused by the fungus Colletotrichum coccodes. Symptoms include small water-soaked spots on the fruit that enlarge and become sunken, leathery, and dark. The rot can spread quickly and cause the entire fruit to become rotten. Proper crop rotation, avoiding overhead watering, and using disease-resistant varieties can help prevent this disease.
Early Blight
Early Blight is a fungal disease of tomatoes caused by Alternaria solani. Symptoms include dark, circular spots on the leaves, stems, and fruit that often have a concentric ring pattern. Leaves may yellow and wilt, and the fruit may become covered in moldy-looking masses. The disease can spread quickly in warm, moist conditions and can significantly reduce crop yields. Proper crop rotation, avoiding overhead watering, and using disease-resistant varieties can help prevent this disease. Fungicides may also be used for control.
Septoria Leaf Spot
Septoria Leaf Spot is a fungal disease of tomatoes caused by Septoria lycopersici. Symptoms include small, circular, brown spots on the leaves with dark borders and light-colored centers. The spots can enlarge and become surrounded by yellow halos. As the disease progresses, leaves may yellow and fall off, reducing the plant's photosynthetic capacity. The fungus can also infect the stems and fruit, causing stem cankers and fruit rot. Proper crop rotation, avoiding overhead watering, and using disease-resistant varieties can help prevent this disease. Fungicides may also be used for control.
Late Blight
Late Blight is a fungal disease of tomatoes caused by Phytophthora infestans. Symptoms include large, irregular, dark-brown to black spots on the leaves, stems, and fruit. The spots may have a white, cottony growth on the undersides, and the leaves may wilt and die. The disease can spread quickly in warm, moist conditions and can cause widespread plant death in a short time. Late Blight is the same disease that caused the Irish Potato Famine in the mid-19th century. Proper crop rotation, avoiding overhead watering, and using disease-resistant varieties can help prevent this disease. Fungicides may also be used for control.
Buckeye Rot
Buckeye Rot is a fungal disease of tomatoes caused by Phytophthora distincta. Symptoms include circular, brown to black sunken spots on the fruit, often near the stem end. The spots may have a leathery texture and can enlarge, causing the fruit to rot. The disease is favored by warm, moist conditions and can cause significant crop loss. Proper crop rotation, avoiding overhead watering, and using disease-resistant varieties can help prevent this disease. Fungicides may also be used for control.
Controlling Fungal Diseases of Tomato
The following are some ways to control fungal diseases in tomatoes:
Crop rotation: Planting tomatoes in a different location each year helps to reduce the buildup of disease-causing fungi in the soil.
Proper irrigation: Avoid overhead watering to reduce the amount of moisture on the leaves and fruit. Water the plants at the base to keep the foliage as dry as possible.
Mulching: Applying a layer of mulch around the base of the plants can help to keep the soil moist and reduce the amount of splashing of soil-borne spores onto the leaves.
Disease-resistant varieties: Selecting tomato varieties that are resistant to specific diseases can help reduce the impact of these diseases on the crop.
Fungicides: Fungicides can be used to control fungal diseases of tomatoes, but should be used according to label instructions and as a last resort after cultural control methods have been implemented.
Sanitation: Remove and destroy all infected plant debris to reduce the amount of fungal spores in the soil.
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