Grapes Farming Tips Planting, Growing, and Harvesting

Grapes Farming Tips Planting, Growing, and Harvesting

climate and soil 

Grapes are produced in subtropical, hot, and mild tropical climate zones in India. Loamy to sandy-loam soils with good drainage and a high organic matter content is generally considered to be the ideal soil types for growing grapes. Alkaline soils with poor drainage ought to be avoided.

land preparation 

The land is tilled and laid into plots of 120 × 180 m separated by 3 m wide roads. Trenches of 75 cm width, 75 cm depth and 115 m length are dug. They are closed with top soil, up to a height of 45 cm after 15 days exposure to the sun.

seed rate 

The cultivars and planting method affect the amount of vines per acre.

the Kniffin method, which has 435 grapes per acre, the Bower system, which has 224 vines per acre. In general, spacing changes according on the variety and soil fertility. For more vigorous kinds, a spacing of 6 3 m or 4 3 m is used; for less vigorous types, a spacing of 3 3 m or 3 2 m is used.

Training of Vines

Training of Vines: Many training systems are in vogue in India, but the most popular ones are Bower, Telephone and Flat Roof Gable systems. Pruning of vines is an important and essential intercultural practice adopted by the grape growers.

crop nutrition management 

Application of organic manure helps in maintaining the organic matter of the soil, which is very important for grape crop nutrition. Grape is also a heavy feeder and it should be supplied through proper fertiliser application at different stages of vegetative growth, fruiting and berry development stages. Most grape growers have started adopting drip irrigation and supplying the nutrients through the drip system.

nutrition dose required 

Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Copper and Boron

irrigation management 

Proper soil moisture is maintained through regular irrigation of the crop. Drip irrigation systems help in meeting the water requirements of the grape plantation in a more efficient manner.

Weed Management

Weeds between the rows of vines are removed mechanically by tractor-drawn implements. Within the rows, weeds are manually hoed and removed. Sometimes post-emergent weedicides such as glyphosate (2 kg/ha) or paraquat (7.5 kg/ha) is sprayed on to the weeds without allowing any spray to fall on the grape foliage.

pests management 

  1. Nematodes Management
    Application of 60 g of Carbofuran 3G or Phorate 10G granules per vine at a week before pruning followed by profuse irrigation helps in controlling the nematodes. The soil should not be disturbed for at least 15 days. Thereafter normal manuring may be done. Application of neemcake 200 g/vine also helps in controlling nematodes.
  2. Mealy bug Management
    Spray application of dichlorvas @ 1ml mixed with neem oil 2ml or tridemorph @ 1 gm helps in minimising the damage of mealy bug.

disease and management 

  1. Powdery mildew Management
    Spraying 0.3% Wettable sulphur or dusting of Sulphur @ 2.5 – 4.0 kg/acre in the morning hours helps in controlling the disease.

  2. Anthracnose Management
    Spraying 1 % Bordeaux mixture or Thio phanate methyl 400 gm or Copper Oxy Chloride @ 400 gm/acre or Hexaconazole @ 200 ml/ acre
  3. Downy mildew Management
    Spraying of 1 % Bordeaux mixture or any other copper fungicide at 0.25 % concentration.


Grapes are harvested at the right stage and properly packed so that farmers get the best price for their produce.


Posted 2 years ago

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