Hi Home Gardeners, today we discuss growing brinjal in pots. Brinjal which is also called as Eggplant or Aubergine is a perennial plant which belongs to the family of Solanaceae. It will be grown by many of us for its edible fruits. This will require a temperature which is warm and the native of Brinjal is Southeast Asia. Brinjal recipes are very popular. Brinjal is generally grown as an annual plant and the stem of this plant is straight and bushy. The leaves of the brinjal plant are large and are lobed in a slight manner. This plant has pendant violet flowers which are solitary and have a height of 2 inches. The fruit of this Brinjal plant will look like a berry which is having an egg-shape. The color of this fruit varied from red to dark purple, yellow, white, green and sometimes, this will also have stripes
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