From Indoors to Outdoors: How to Start Home Gardening in Wyoming

How to Start Home Gardening in Wyoming for Beginners: For Indoors, Raised Beds, Outdoors, Raised Beds, Backyards, and Containers
From Indoors to Outdoors: How to Start Home Gardening in Wyoming

Growing your food is rewarding. Growing fruits and vegetables in our state, which isn’t garden-friendly, is a labor of love. The state of Wyoming isn’t the easiest place to grow a vegetable garden, but with the appropriate preparation and some smart practices, you can reap the benefits of your labors all summer long.

Below we learn home gardening in Wyoming, different types of home gardens for Wyoming, how to create an indoor home garden in Wyoming, how to create a container home garden in Wyoming, how to create a backyard home garden in Wyoming, about the planting zones of Wyoming state, and different vegetables that are suitable for Wyoming home gardens.

How to start Home gardening in Wyoming for beginners

When should I plant my garden in Wyoming?

Wyoming’s planting season begins on Memorial Day weekend. Vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, and squash can now be planted. Peas, spinach, and lettuce are just a few cool-weather crops that can be planted in April and early May. Many gardeners sow a second crop of lettuce, greens, and radishes in July and August.

The location of your plantings is very important to the development of your garden. Full sun is ideal for growing vegetables since it increases the likelihood of flowering and fruiting and improves the taste of the harvested veggies. The soil in Wyoming has to be treated before planting. This calls for adding amendments into the soil, such as compost, peat moss, or chemical fertilizer, to improve drainage or boost nutrient availability.

What zone is Wyoming for gardening?

The plant hardiness zones of Wyoming are shown on an online hardiness zone map. The majority of the state has very cold winters. However, there are milder regions. Locate your specific time zone on an online hardiness zone map. Knowing which kind of perennial flowers, trees, and shrubs will survive the harsh Wyoming winters is essential before planting them. 

If you don’t know which zone you’re in, Wyoming, your plants cannot survive. Following the planting and maintenance instructions and selecting hardy plants in your Wyoming zone is essential for a successful garden or landscaping. Trustworthy local nurseries only stock plants suitable for your region’s USDA planting zones.

What vegetables are good to grow in Wyoming?

Wyoming has a somewhat short growing season and sometimes chilly summers. Plants with a short time to harvest should be prioritized. Vegetables like leaf lettuce, radishes, and onions do nicely in chilly temperatures. You can also grow beets, carrots, peas, and pea shoots. Vegetables can only thrive in warm climates with extended growing seasons, including tomatoes, peppers, winter squash, pumpkins, eggplants, melons, and sweet corn.

Many crop types can be found in seed catalogs, but growers should choose strains that have proven successful in similar climates. Plants that have undergone short growing seasons or those grown in the northern U.S. It is advised to bring clothing suitable for the weather in the United States or Canada to Wyoming.


How long is the growing season in Wyoming?

Typically, Wyoming has early autumn freezes and late spring freezes. Consequently, winters are quite lengthy, and summers are very brief. The state of Wyoming is located in a part of the United States where the weather often shifts from cold to pleasant, particularly in the months of autumn and spring. Major agricultural regions typically have a growing season (frost-free time) of about 125 days.

Temperatures below freezing are possible at any time of the summer in places like the highlands and upper valleys. Upper Green River Valley, Star Valley, and Jackson Hole are just a few examples of places in the United States with short growing seasons unsuitable for delicate plants. On average, it takes 42 days for the water in Sandy Creek, a tributary of the Green River close to Farson, to freeze over in the autumn. The growing season is much shorter in Star Valley and Jackson Hole locations.

What is the climate in Wyoming?

Compared to the rest of the United States, Wyoming has more dramatic temperature swings due to its semi-arid and continental climate, which is drier and windier. Topography has a major role in this. Highs in July in much of Wyoming typically range from 80 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit (27 to 32 degrees Celsius), making for a pleasant summer season. However, this average lowers precipitously with elevation, with places higher than 9,000 feet (2,700 m) averaging approximately 70 °F (21 °C). 

Even the state’s warmest spots drop off quickly at night, with temperatures averaging between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit (10 and 16 degrees Celsius) throughout the summer. Most of the state receives the majority of its annual rainfall during May and June. Chinook winds can bring abnormally warm temperatures to specific areas throughout the winter. The winters are harsh but changeable, with bouts of intense cold mixed with moderate ones.

Most of Wyoming only gets around 10 inches (250 millimeters) of rain a year, making it a desert-like state. Lower parts of the Big Horn Basin get an average of 5-8 inches (130-200 mm) of precipitation each year, making it a desert. The northern lowlands and the eastern plains have a semiarid climate, with annual precipitation averaging just 10-12 inches (250-300 mm). Some mountain regions get yearly snow accumulations of 200 inches (510 cm). Extreme temperatures of 66 °F (54 °C) and 114 °F (46 °C) have been recorded in the state.

The southeastern plains have the highest number of days with thunderstorms compared to the rest of the state. In the state, the peak of thunderstorm season occurs between the end of spring and the beginning of summer. The state is especially prone to tornadoes in its southern section. Tornado activity declines sharply as one travels westward from that location, with the western section of the state displaying very minimal susceptibility. Where tornadoes do occur, they are often short and modest compared to ones that can occur farther east.

Does Wyoming have good soil?

Growing vegetables is best in rich, organic soil. Due to our short growing seasons and little rainfall, Wyoming’s soils don’t have a lot of organic matter (which originates from decayed plant material). These aren’t ideal circumstances for plants flourishing that can then decay and provide organic materials. Soil concerns in Wyoming include low fertility, low water retention, compaction, and poor drainage. You can solve these problems with the aid of organic stuff.

During the growing season, organic matter decomposes, releasing nutrients that plants can use. Soil compaction and water retention can be mitigated and drainage enhanced by adding organic matter into heavy clay soil. A better soil structure is a result. Organic matter in large quantities can greatly increase the ability of extremely sandy soils to store water. Adding organic matter to your soil is like giving it a magic pill.

To a lesser extent, organic matter composition can be relatively easily modified. Every time you till the soil in your vegetable garden, add an inch or two of organic matter. Put it down, and then turn the soil to add it. Adding organic matter such as compost, grass clippings, or manure can help, but these methods are not without their drawbacks.

How long does winter last in Wyoming?

The months of December through the middle of April are known as winter. Snowfall is common when the temperature fluctuates between 0 and 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Midway through April to May is the calmest time of year. The residents have a strong excuse to leave town during the mud season. Wyoming winters are notoriously lengthy and very cold. The temperature tends to drop the most in January. Currently, overnight lows are hovering around 10 degrees. 

From time to time, the temperature rises into the 50s, providing a pleasant respite from the cold. The western valleys are chillier, often averaging 5 degrees below zero. From November through March, snowfall is common. If you like snow activities, you should plan a trip to Wyoming in the winter.

How do I start a backyard home garden in Wyoming?

Choosing a location 

Vegetables can thrive in various environments, and astute home gardeners can adjust various factors to help them do so. One option is positioning the garden on a mild slope toward the south, southeast, or southwest. If nothing is blocking the garden’s southern exposure, the soil will warm up faster in the spring, and chilly air will be driven away. Find a position where you can bask in the sun all day. Planting vegetables on the south side of a building can fasten their maturation by providing them with wind shelter and reflected heat.

Choosing the crops

Wyoming has a short growing season and sometimes chilly summers. Pick crops like leaf lettuce, radishes, and onions mature fast and thrive in chilly temperatures. You can also grow beets, carrots, peas, and pea shoots, in addition to the usual suspects, like cabbage, spinach, cauliflower, head lettuce, and beets. Vegetables that need hot temperatures and a lengthy growth season include tomatoes, melons, winter squash, peppers, eggplants, pumpkins, and sweet corn. 

Many different types of each crop will be available from seed catalogs, but gardeners should only plant those that are suitable for their regions. Short-maturing varieties, or those established in northern latitudes, tend to do well in Wyoming.

Soil preparation for your backyard home garden 

Soils in their natural state in Wyoming are often deficient in organic matter. High-quality, well-composted organic matter lightens heavy clay soils, improves soil structure, allows greater water penetration, allows air to reach root systems (roots need oxygen), and provides critical nutrients. Sandier soils benefit from adding organic matter because it increases water retention.

Soil microbes are aided by organic matter, which increases plant availability of nutrients.  Vegetable gardens benefit most from amendments made of organic matter. Put down 2 inches around the garden, and then dig it in with a spade or tiller to a depth of 6 inches. When working with clay soil, never amend it with sand since it will cause the soil to become too dense and solid.

Water your backyard home garden 

Vegetable gardens in Wyoming, or anyplace else, will need watering. It’s essential to use the best water possible. If you have water with a high concentration of dissolved salts, you may need to leach your garden every so often to get rid of the salts. Irrigation can be done using drip watering tubes, overhead sprinklers, or furrow systems. As the maturation of most veggies approaches, plants will need at least 1.5 inches of water every week. 

Because of weather, soil, and garden micro-climate differences, there are no universally applicable guidelines for watering frequency. Sandy soils need more regular watering than clay soil gardening. Although it takes more time, furrow irrigation is more efficient since it does not soak the vegetation. Although watering with an above sprinkler system is effective, most gardeners have no idea how much water they use. 

A common cause of foliar diseases is the prolonged wetting of leaves caused by sprinkler watering. Drip watering, also known as trickle irrigation, provides water to plants at a trickling pace via tubes laid along the ground next to each row. The gentle trickle prevents the leaves from getting wet and soaks the soil close to the roots. It’s common for trickle systems to save water compared to other types of irrigation.

Fertilize your backyard home garden 

Wyoming gardeners should pay special attention to fertilizer to avoid stunted development from a shortage of nutrients. To know what nutrients your garden could require and how much fertilizer to use, you should have a soil test early in the growing season. Especially as they get closer to maturity, vegetables need consistent access to a full complement of nutrients. Wide varieties of organic and synthetic fertilizers are available from reputable retailers. Follow the package directions to maximize fertilizer use. Using an excessive amount has the opposite effect.

Mulch your backyard home garden 

As the mulch is turned beneath, it breaks down, contributes organic matter to the soil, prevents water loss, erosion, and weeds, and keeps the soil at consistent moisture and temperature. To provide enough soil warming for plant development, organic mulches should be placed only after the soil has warmed up, often in late spring or early summer. Organic mulches can be made from materials such as grass clippings, peat moss, straw, wood chips, sawdust, leaves, excellent compost, and even newspaper. 

In the middle of June, apply a 2- to 3-inch layer of organic material around the plants. Don’t take it down till the growth season is through. Vegetable plants may need more fertilizer, particularly nitrogen if these compounds are used. This means that organic mulches constantly need fertilization.

Care for your backyard home garden 

It’s important to thin plants early on inside rows. Root vegetables like carrots and beets are susceptible to deformity and reduced size from overcrowding. This is especially useful for the consistent sowing of small-seeded crops. To put it simply, weeding is a must. You may find that weeds are stealing water, nutrients, and light from your veggie plants. Weeds can be eliminated in several methods, including manual removal, mechanical cultivation, and weed-suppressing mulch. Vegetable gardens should not use chemical herbicides.

Weeds of manageable size can be hoed or pulled by hand. Avoid damaging your plants by hoeing or cultivating them at a shallow depth in your vegetable garden, particularly if you intend to grow root crops. Pulling weeds when they are too huge can harm developing veggies, so keeping them at bay early and as frequently as possible is essential. The amount of water needed by vegetables varies during the growing season and is also affected by the weather. Generally speaking, a plant’s water needs will increase as its leaf area increases.

During the growing season, adjusting the settings on an automated timer used to water a garden will be necessary. With the beginnings of vegetable maturity comes the critical need for fertilization. The gardener can use whichever fertilizer they choose; there is no “optimal” option. Have the soil tested at a reliable lab and use the results to determine the optimal fertilizer application rate. Water-soluble, slow-release, and organic fertilizers are just some of the options out there.

Those who don’t want to mess with mixing and applying liquid fertilizers might benefit from using slow-release varieties. They are typically used once at the start of the growing season. It is essential to apply water-soluble fertilizers often during the growing season. Organic fertilizers should be well-cured to reduce salt damage to the roots. The gardener has to be aware that organic fertilizers often contain fewer nutrients than synthetic ones and may need more frequent applications to get the same results.

Follow the package guidelines to get the most from your fertilizer. It’s important to harvest vegetables often and at the optimal time. Most people find this the most satisfying aspect of growing their vegetables. Allowing vegetables to ripen too much is a typical error that ruins the greatest taste and texture.

To maximize grocery store profits, gather fruits and vegetables close to their peak condition. Asparagus, summer squash, cucumbers, and sweet corn are just a few examples of crops that benefit from regular harvesting. Early dawn is the prime time for harvesting. The fresher the fruit, the sooner it should be consumed or cooked.

How do I start a container home garden in Wyoming?

Choosing the containers 

The size of a container garden is up to the grower, the number of vegetables wanted, and the size of the containers. A little container garden is one or two plants in a pot on a patio or next to a window. Multiple dozens of containers, outdoors or in a greenhouse, can be used for a large-scale operation. Depending on the purpose, containers can range from 8-inch pots to big crates or repurposed food-grade tanks and totes.

No of the size of your container, there are several crucial factors to consider. The container shouldn’t include dangerous chemicals that plant roots might absorb and transmit to veggies. A proper draining system must be installed in the container. If you don’t want your plant’s roots to develop anaerobic bacteria, ensure water can drain out of the bottom of the container (without air). Do not use pebbles or other things to preserve soil or increase drainage at the bottom of the container.

Typically, plants will utilize the whole capacity of their container by sending roots to the bottom. For plants kept in pots, use potting soil. Although garden or landscape soil can be utilized in containers, there is always the risk of poor drainage, pests and diseases, and a lack of essential nutrients. Find a just right pot for the plant you’re trying to grow. A container that is too tiny for huge plants won’t be enough, while a container that is too big for little plants will be a waste of space and materials. 

Watering frequency is also affected by the container size, with smaller containers needing it more often and larger containers needing it less frequently. Think about how easily you or other people can transport and handle the container you want to utilize. Once full and ready for the growing season, many huge pots can become permanent fixtures due to the weight of wet soil. Choose a container that excels in all three areas (strength, aesthetics, and water resistance). Various materials are used for containers.

While plastic is by far the most popular, you could also find them made of clay, wood, ceramic, or paper. Remember that various materials have varying responses to their surroundings. Because of their porous nature, unglazed clay containers dry out more rapidly than their plastic counterparts. Unglazed clay pots can be more sturdy than their thinner plastic counterparts, despite plastic’s smaller weight and lower water loss. Clay vessels degrade with repeated cycles of freezing and thawing. A plastic’s brittleness can be attributed to exposure to ultraviolet light.

Prepare the containers 

If you’re growing plants in containers, the ideal growing conditions would provide enough sunshine, be near a water source for regular watering, provide shelter from the wind, and be easily transportable should the need arise. Plants need larger pots to prevent them from toppling over in strong winds. Try to find places with ideal conditions for plants. Placement of containers near garages, barns, or huge doors is popular among gardeners since it allows for easy relocation of smaller containers to protect them from harsh conditions. 

Bringing plants indoors is made much simpler with the help of container caddies. Vegetables planted in containers can benefit from trellises, trellis systems, or even just some space to grow in (climbing beans, peas, etc.). It can be necessary to anchor vertically growing plants to a fence or railing to prevent them from being exposed to curious dogs, careless people, or strong winds.

Water your container home garden 

Unlike garden beds, which can dry up over time, container plants need regular attention to prevent drying out. Drip irrigation or hand watering are viable options for watering plants in containers. Drip irrigation is an efficient method that keeps watering at a minimum and guarantees a steady flow. Many plants need regular watering to thrive. A typical problem in plants that do not get a steady water supply is end blossom rot, which may be seen in tomatoes.

How many hours of light do vegetables need indoors?

There must be more light for indoor plants than for their outside counterparts. Most food plants need 14-18 hours of light each day when cultivated indoors. Try not to constantly keep the lights on since plants need at least six hours of daily shade. Because the optimum distance from the plant to the light source changes with bulb type and wattage, it is important to adjust the height of the fixture as the plants grow.

How far should LED lights be from seedlings?

Overheating and under-lighting can occur when lights are too strong, too weak, too near, or too distant from the plants. LED grow lights work best when placed between 12 and 18 inches from the plants. However, there are cases when this guideline doesn’t apply. Because it triggers a process called photosynthesis, light is crucial for plant development.

Plants don’t thrive under incandescent lighting. As a result, LED plant growth lights with a wide spectrum of light are highly suggested. As a result of being designed for this purpose, they emit light over the precise spectral range required by the plant.

How do I start an indoor home garden in Wyoming?

An indoor garden is ideal for growing any kind of food plant. A creative and well-planned winter vegetable crop is possible. Light is needed for photosynthesis, which converts light, oxygen, and water into chemical energy. In addition to the natural light your plants get each day, they need at least 12 hours of supplementary light daily. South-facing windows are good for specific plants. Adding artificial light to natural light is necessary for a successful indoor garden.

After the plant has matured, it should be placed in a big pot or container that can be used to store food safely. Despite the usefulness of seedling flats, plants will ultimately outgrow them and need repotting into bigger pots. Greens and herbs can thrive in pots as short as four inches, but root crops like carrots and potatoes need deeper containers of six inches or more. The bakery or kitchen containers can be reused into attractive window boxes.

Inspect the base and any drip trays that can be present. For successful indoor gardening, select a potting mix that can be used for various plants and is created from all-natural materials. Of course, you need to get some new potting soil first. You shouldn’t use soil from outside if you want to prevent pests and diseases from invading your container garden. The ideal characteristics of a plant growth medium for plants in containers are airiness, lightness, and porosity.

Peat moss (or coconut coir), vermiculite, and perlite make an excellent soilless potting mix. Here’s an easy recipe for a soil-free potting blend. One part completed compost made from equal parts of peat moss, perlite, sphagnum coir, vermiculite, and sphagnum moss. If you want your indoor plants to thrive, you need to fertilize them regularly. Inevitably, you’ll need to add nutrients whether you buy or make your potting soil.

There would be no need to apply fertilizer often if it is already included in the potting mix. Although fertilizer stimulates plant growth, it is gradually depleted as plants absorb it, and part of it is also washed away when watering the plants. To provide your plants with a steady supply of nutrients, use a potting mix that includes organic granular fertilizer with a gradual release time. Please refer to the label for more information on how to feed the product. When the plants have become established, fertilize them once a month with 1 1/2 teaspoons.


Once every two weeks, or whenever the leaves begin to show symptoms of stress, apply a combination of fish emulsion and seaweed fertilizer (or any liquid fertilizer of your choice). The first step in growing your fruits, veggies, and herbs is deciding where to plant them. Generally speaking, vegetable, root, and plant growth is optimized between 55 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. A heat source like a radiator, fireplace, or stove can fasten the germination process in certain plants, which can cut into your yield.

Create a fixed spot for the grow light shelf. A total of 16 hours each day should be lightened, while the remaining eight can be dark. Spread the plants of a comparable height beneath the grow lights, and set the drip trays on the shelves. The storage containers should ideally be separated by at least a few feet. A plant cannot thrive without enough light and air circulation, particularly around the leaf level.

Typically, lighting for plants should be placed at around 2 inches. Follow the instructions on the seed packet for planting in the soil and keeping the soil wet. Plants need larger containers as they grow. If seedlings’ roots are poking through their drainage holes, report them. Five factors are necessary for plant development: exposure to light, moisture, temperature, air movement, nutrients, and a suitable environment. You must keep things under control to ensure that your seedlings flourish into healthy plants that provide plenty of food.

When you finally settle your plants, they’ll need just little maintenance. The plants need 16 hours a day of light to grow lamps. You should take care that the foliage of your plants doesn’t burn. Two inches is a good distance for the lights. Some plants may seem weak because they have to grow taller to reach the sun when there isn’t enough of it. Once a week, water the top inch of the soil.

When the soil is dry to the touch after being dug through for a few inches with your finger, it is time to water. Before watering dry soil, wait 24 hours. Do not water the leaves, but rather the soil. It takes about a week for seeds to germinate at temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. A seed starting pad can be used to create heat for germination. After planting, vegetables, roots, and herbs do best between 55 to 70 F. As vegetation expands, it consumes and emits increasing quantities of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Keeping a small fan in the growth area helps maintain airflow and reduces fungal infections. Additionally, by decreasing the spore load on the plant’s leaves, the plant’s general health and vitality will improve. To ensure the health of your indoor vegetable crop, give it a balanced vitamin and mineral supplement. You can increase the success of your plant life by providing it with a continuous fertilizer diet.

Correct feeding is achieved according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Wintertime nourishment is made possible by a plentiful crop. Using scissors, you can harvest the plant’s leaves and stems for food. New leaves will continue to emerge from the plant’s stems. Healthy growth requires pruning plants down to a more manageable size, and the removed leaves and stems can be utilized to enhance the nutritional value of foods like salads and soups.

What is a good height for a raised garden bed?

Typically, a raised bed will be 11 inches high. Two typical “2 x 6” boards are 1.5 inches wide by 5.5 inches long. As a result, this is their combined height. The great majority of crop kinds benefit most from this level of drainage. There should be 12 inches of healthy soil below a raised bed. A depth of 18–20 inches is ideal for your plants. A raised bed’s typical depth of soil is just a few inches. Soil compression color to overwatering contributes to the problem above. Before applying mulch, it’s preferable to have the soil level lowered by a few inches.

Raised beds have more workable soil in the spring because the soil is better able to drain away excess water. Because of this, garden seedlings can be started sooner and enjoy a longer growing season. A cold frame is useful for protecting a bed from late spring frosts and strong winds. When the plants within the cold frame are well-established, you can transfer them to a separate bed for protection.

What direction should the raised beds face?

The north-to-south facing the raised bed is excellent for plants that don’t require much space. East-to-west planting is ideal for tomatoes, pole beans, and peas. Allow enough space for visitors to go about easily.

When planning a garden, it’s essential to keep plant spacing in mind. When plants reach maturity, they should cover the ground with a thick canopy. Trellises or other support structures are necessary for vines to grow successfully. All sizes and forms of fruits and vegetables are included. Maintaining a pest-free garden requires frequent watering, fertilizing, crop rotation, composting, and cleaning.


Making a list of the veggies you like eating the most is a fantastic approach to start planning your vegetable garden. Create a comprehensive plan that outlines the vegetables you would like to grow, the best planting dates, and the amount of space between each plant, and become excited about the possibility of producing some of your food. Planning can help you save time and work in the long run.

If you live in the following cities, towns, and counties of Wyoming state in the United States of America, this article might be helpful with the basics of setting up a home garden indoors, outdoors, raised beds in backyards, and in containers.

Posted 2 years ago

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