India Fruit Planting Calendar: Month-wise Growing Chart, Gardening Schedule

India Fruit Planting Calendar: Month-wise Growing Chart, Gardening Schedule
India Fruit Planting Calendar: Month-wise Growing Chart, Gardening Schedule

Home gardeners usually cannot wait for any fruiting plant to germinate once it has been sown. Although most fruit trees in India require years to mature before producing fruit, certain varieties may start producing in as little as a few months after planting. Plants that have already been transplanted from a nursery will produce sooner. Below we learn about the Indian fruit planting calendar, month-wise gardening chart, planting schedule, and growing guide for Indian fruit seasons.

India fruit planting calendar

Fruits that can be grown at home in India

The papaya tree can reach heights of 20 to 25 feet and starts producing fruit in its first year. The orange fruit has a sweet, musky taste, and the leaves are deeply split. The optimal time to pick the fruit is when it is just beginning to turn yellow. If not, it can be broken apart by insects and birds. There is a widespread preference for citrus trees in Indian landscaping, particularly the nimboo (lemon) and the lemon (nimbu). The Eureka and Meyer varieties are the quickest to mature and produce fruit.

The fig‘s crisp seeds are hidden within its luscious skin. Dry food is more popular than fresh food among consumers. If you damage the tree’s stem, white latex will leak out. In two or three years, you can gather its fruits. The ber plant is shaped like a crown, and its branches hang down. The tree produces narcotic fruit, which can be either spherical or rectangular and is both succulent and sour in flavor. When fully ripe, fruits become a vibrant crimson color; this varies according to the variety.

Guava trees started from seeds that take a long time to mature and develop fruit (anything from two to six years), but plants started from grafts or cuttings bear fruit much more quickly. The fruit is aromatically refreshing and tastes sweet and silky. Their exteriors are green, but the flesh is pink to white and contains tiny seeds. The custard apple tree can become between 10 and 22 feet tall, and its fruit has a creamy, fragrant, delicious flesh with inedible, black seeds.

Bananas are a tropical fruit that dangles in bunches called hands from the ceiling in the wet tropics. The skin color of the curving fruit, which can be yellow, green, or brown, varies with age and species. See whether the top of the banana has turned yellow-green and if it’s plump to determine if it’s ready to eat. The mulberry tree is one of the quickest-growing plants and can reach 10–12 feet in only three years. The grafting process takes time, but the results are seen quickly.

This tree has tasty berries that range in color from red to deep purple, making them reminiscent of blackberries. Know that apricots can be grown successfully with only one tree in your garden since they do not need other pollinators. Though it takes just two years for this tree to reach its full growth potential, its fruit-bearing potential is worth the wait. When they are in season, apricots are at their peak of sweetness. Moorpark and Early Golden are two cultivars that are known for their rapid development. 

Peach trees are fast-growers; it only takes them two to three years to start producing fruit. However, some cultivars can be picked as early as their first year if given the proper attention. Though it has the potential to reach heights of 20-25 feet, this tree can be kept at a manageable 12-15 feet with regular trimming. Given that this tree is a hybrid, it’s possible to plant two distinct kinds that will allow both to bloom simultaneously. The fruit has a flowery scent and is yellow to white pulp.

Fruits that grow fast in India

Guava trees thrive in the high humidity and moderate temperatures of the tropics and subtropics. Growing this plant from seeds isn’t as successful as starting new plants from cuttings or grafting. Fruits of every hue, from green to yellow, are tasty. The fruit’s pulp, whether red or yellow, has a distinct, pleasant aroma and flavor and is virtually always rather sweet.

The Chittidar, the Hafshi, the Allahabad Safeda, the Harijha, and the Allahabadi Surkha are well-known guava varieties. It has the potential to grow to a size of 10 to 12 feet and a width of 15 feet when it reaches maturity. Papayas are grown on a tiny, multi-trunk tree. Therefore, plants can be easily multiplied from seed. The typical papaya tree will produce fruit between 9 and 11 months after planting.

Plants need both water and nutrient-rich soil to thrive. These trees typically reach a height between 19 and 24 feet. The fruit of the papaya tree is edible and nutritious. However, when the fruit reaches a certain size and takes on a semi-yellow color, it must be protected from birds and insects by being covered. The number of sitafal trees that bear fruit in India is rapidly growing. Fruits have smooth, delicious flesh and tiny, black seeds.

The largest of these greenish-yellow fruits measures 12 centimeters across. Ten to twenty feet in height and a foot and a half across, it can develop into a massive tree. The next is the mulberry tree. It didn’t need much care since it was so strong. For a fruit tree to achieve full maturity and begin bearing fruit, it takes around ten years from the seedling stage. To grow and give fruit fast, this tree should be grafted. It can grow to be 10-14 feet tall in only three years.

Berries come in a wide variety of colors, from red to purple. Red is the most common color for ripe fruits, but green and yellow can be seen in immature ones. Another dependable fruit tree is the ber tree. Ber fruits start green but develop into vibrant crimson as they mature. If you take good care of this tree, you can plant it in either a warm or cold region. You don’t have to worry much about it. Typically found in wooded areas and along the sides of roads, this plant is widespread.

Peach trees that produce fruit can be found in regions with a climate comparable to that of Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhand, and Meghalaya. Typically, peach trees don’t begin producing fruit until the second or third year after being planted. Some older types, however, can start producing fruit a year after planting. Among fruits, few can compare to a juicy, sweet peach. Twenty-five feet is its greatest height.

For those who would like a more manageable height, regular trimming can keep it to 12 feet. All around the globe, people love bananas. To put it briefly, it’s delicious and healthy for you. In India, fruit trees usually mature rapidly. On average, a banana tree will only produce fruit once a year. It could not have flourished without sufficient water. Bananas have many uses and can be consumed in cooked and raw forms.

It’s high in healthy nutrients and dietary fiber. A banana tree may grow to 10–30 feet in only two years. Some 7-10 meter tall examples of the deciduous fig tree have been documented. Cuttings and root suckers can be used for simple plant propagation. Figs are tasty fruit with a luscious inside and a crunchy seed core.

Fruits that can be grown in pots in Indian gardens

A papaya tree can be cultivated in a huge pot. It’s ideal to have alluvial soil, which drains well. It has to be outside in the sun and watered regularly. This plant requires special attention throughout the winter months. Although guava can be grown in any soil, the ideal conditions include a high level of fertility and a large, sandy loam (6.75 to 8.25 pH) container. A year-round harvest is only possible with very large or very wide pots.

You must constantly water the plant pot with a nutrient-rich mixture of manure and fertilizer at the outset. However, once the tree begins producing fruit, even little care will result in a bountiful harvest for more than 25 years. Lemon trees come in wide varieties, but the ones that provide fruit all year should be what you demand from your nursery stock. You can grow your miniature lemon tree in a large pot or on a raised bed.

A soil that is sandy loam or loamy is ideal. If possible, reduce the amount of clay and salt you use. In the first stages, it needs plenty of water. If you want higher-quality fruit this year, thin down the overcrowded branches. Mango, the “king of fruits” and India’s national fruit, can be cultivated in a container garden. It has to be watered properly in the beginning. The seed and young plant will decay if water cannot drain from the containers.

It grows well on lateritic, sandy-loam, and well-drained soils, in addition to alluvial and aerated soils. Once the plant has developed, it is easy to care for. Mango pulp and juice can be preserved for over a year with the help of edible preservatives. This Pomegranate, which is well-liked by people of all ages, needs special care on the patio. A large pot is all you need to cultivate them. The plant has to be watered twice each week.

A raised bed will provide the best results if your patio is very spacious. Pomegranate can thrive in various soils but does best in loamy soil with good drainage. Pomegranate butterflies and other insects with leaf feet prey on this tree. Because of the susceptibility of the seeds and roots to rot brought on by fungal diseases, proper water drainage is essential. A popular fruit in India can be grown year-round in a container.

The ideal soil has a medium-dark color, a significant amount of alluvium, and good drainage. To prevent the seed from rotting, the soil shouldn’t retain water as it germinates. It’s important to remember that this tree can only thrive in warm regions. It’s also adaptable, doing well in sandy loam and clay soils. Early on, taking special precautions is important to avoid insect invasions. Dwarf trees can be grown successfully in even medium-sized containers.

India is a major exporter of bananas, and the fruit can also be grown successfully in containers at home. A dwarf banana tree can be grown in just about any size pot or container. Acidic, well-drained, and non-compacted soil is ideal. This plant suffers greatly when grown in soils high in salt. If you want a higher harvest, use dwarf or small-sized cultivars. Common diseases, such as black Sigatoka, bacterial wilt, and soil fungus, can be managed by using pesticides within safe application guidelines. 

Your terrace garden can look lovely if you plant custard apples, which are ungainly but juicy, fragrant, and delicious to eat. Despite its low maintenance requirements, it yields high-quality fruit. Excellent harvest can be achieved with careful watering throughout the blossoming stage. All save the deepest and sandiest soils. It must be watered regularly at first. Once the tree reaches full maturity, it requires even less water to be alive.

India fruit planting calendar/schedule/chart/guide

Fruits  Sowing
Watermelon Feb to Mar (in the north)
Year-round (in the south)
6 to 7 days
Banana  June to Jul
Oct to Nov 
2 to 3 weeks
Orange  Dec to Feb
Oct to Mar
6 to 8 weeks
Pineapple  July to Sep About six months 
Lychee  Aug to Sep 1 to 4 weeks
Mango  Aug to Oct 2 to 4 weeks
Strawberry  Sep to Oct Seven days
to 6 weeks
Grapes Feb to Mar
Dec to Jan 
10 to 15 days
Custard apple  April to May Three weeks 
Sapota  June to Dec  2 to 4 weeks
Lemon  June to July  Know
Kinnow   Aug to Oct 7 to 14 days
Mosambi  Aug to Sep
April to May
3 to 4 weeks
Papaya  Feb to Mar
June to July
Oct to Nov
2 to 3 weeks
Pear  June to Dec 2 to 4 weeks
Peach  Late Jan  1 to 3 months 
Apple  Jan to Feb Around 30 days
Figs  Jan to Feb (north India)
Aug to Sep (south India)
June to July (western India)
1 to 2 weeks
Plums  Jan 10 to 18 days 
Jackfruit  June to Dec 3 to 8 weeks
Guava  June to Sep 2 to 8 weeks
Pomegranate  June to Jul
Sep to Oct
to Feb
30 to 40 days 
Apricot  May to Jun
1 to 2 months 
Apple ber  July to Aug  2 to 4 weeks
Kiwi  Jan  Around two weeks
Rambutan  Dec to Jan 10 to 21 days
Persimmons  March to Apr 2 to 3 weeks
Jamun  Feb to Mar
July to Aug
10 to 15 days
Coconut  May to Jun 3 to 6 months 


Carefully tend your garden from the moment you start sowing seeds or planting transplants. Please take note of your mistakes and use them as teaching tools. If you live in the following states and regions of India and plant to grow fruits, this India Fruit Planting Calendar may help you to understand the Month-wise Gardening Chart, Schedule, and Dates for growing in different seasons.

Posted 2 years ago

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