Leaf spot diseases and treatment

How to Treat Leaf Spot - agribegri
Leaf spot diseases and treatment

Cercospora leal spot of eggplant 


  1.  Small, round, yellow, slightly sunken spots on upper leaf side.
  2.  Spots enlarge and merge, becoming brown with yellow halo.
  3.  Curling and dropping off leaves.
  4.  Yield reduction.


The infection can occur at any growth stage and is visible on leaves, petioles and stems. Initial symptoms appear as small, round and slightly sunken spots on the upper side of the older, lower leaves. Over time, the spots grow larger, more irregular and surrounded by a yellow halo. Later on, the leaf spots are visible on both leaf surfaces. The older spots merge and take on different characteristics, depending on their location on the leaf. They range from brown to steal-grey (on upper side) and light brown (lower side). If the infection is heavy, leaves become curly and can drop off. Even though the fungus does not infect the fruits directly, it can lead to reduced fruit growth because of the lower productivity of the plants.



We recommend following organic control methods in the early stages of a disease or when the crop is close to harvesting. In more advanced stages of a disease, please follow chemical control measures Mixing or applying different products at the same time is not recommended.

Organic Control


Biological agents can help to control the infection. Bio-fungicides based on the bacteria Bacillus subtilis strain QST 713 can be used as foliar spray applications to compete with Cercospora melongenae. Plant extracts from Azadirachta indica (neem oil) may be helpful to control the infection, too.

chemical control 

Crystal Bavistin Carbendazim 50% WP Systemic Fungicide crop protection best use



Technical Content: Carbendazim 50% WP


  • This renowned systemic fungicide can be used as curative and preventative control measures in the farm.

  • Bavistin (Carbendazim 50% WP) is a broad spectrum systemic fungicide effective against a wide range of pathogenic fungi and is highly specific in its control of important plant pathogens on a variety of crops, ornamental plants and plantation crops.

  • Bavistin is absorbed by the plant and acts on the fungal pathogen.

Targeted Diseases: Collar rot, Damping off, Root rot, Wilts, Black leg, Tip burn, Black spot.

Dosage: 2 gm/Ltr



Posted 2 years ago

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