okra disease management agribegri

okra disease management
okra disease management agribegri



  1. • Tunnel-like grey lines on the leaves.
  2. • Tunnels delimited by leaf veins.
  3. • Leaves may drop prematurely.

Irregular or serpentine pale grey lines appear on both sides of the leaf blades as the larvae feed. These burrows are usually limited by the leaf veins and contain black fecal material visible as slim traces inside the tunnels. Entire leaves may be covered with mine. Damaged leaves may drop prematurely (defoliation). Defoliation can reduce yield and fruit size and expose fruit to sunburn. Should not be confused with Tuta absoluta (Tomato Leafminer) whose mines on leaves are wider and white or transparent.

More info

  1. • Scientific name: Agromyzidae
  2. • Also found in: Apple, Grape, Bean, Capsicum & Chilli, Brinjal, Pea, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Zucchini, Tomato, Cabbage, Potato, Black & Green Gram, Pigeon Pea & Red Gram, Chickpea & Gram, Cotton, Soybean, Other, Onion, Peanut, Mango, Papaya, Coffee, Melon, Cauliflower, Ornamental, Bitter Gourd. Show less Recommendations We recommend following organic control methods in the early stages of a disease or when the crop is close to harvesting. In more advanced stages of a disease, please follow chemical control measures. Mixing or applying different products at the same time is not recommended.

Organic Control


Spray neem oil products (Azadirachtin) against larvae onto leaves in the early morning or late evening. For example, spray Neem oil (15000 ppm) at a rate of 5 ml/ 1. Make sure to have good leaf coverage. Neem slightly enters the leaves and reaches some of the larvae inside the tunnel. Foliar applications of the entomophagous nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae, can reduce the leaf miner population. Other biological controls of leaf miners include parasitoids (e.g. Chrysonotomyia punctiventris and Ganaspidium hunteri) and nematodes (e.g. Steinernema carpocapsae).


FMC DuPont Benevia Cyantraniliprole 10.26% Control Sucking And Chewing Insect



Benevia insecticide is an anthranilic diamide insecticide in the form of an oil dispersion formulation designed for foliar spray. Benevia insecticide powered by Cyazypyr active exhibits cross-spectrum action on several sucking and chewing insects. An early application of Benevia insecticide in the crop life cycle helps the crop with a promising beginning and early crop establishment which paves the way for a superior yield and better crop quality.

  1. Common Name: Insecticide

  2. Physical Condition: Liquid

  3. Mode Of Formulation: Emulsifiable

  4. Available Chemical Compounds As Active Ingredients: Cyantraniliprole

  5. Concentration Of All Chemical Compounds As Active Ingredients: 10.26% OD

  6. Recommended Crop: Capsicum, Tomato, Cucurbits, And Egg Plant

  7. Recommended Dose: 2 ml

  8. Application Method Direction Of Use: Spraying

  9. Applicable Time Stage: 3

  10. Advantages Results: This Leads To Enhance

Posted 2 years ago

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