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Are you someone who wants to grow Beans Hydroponically and is waiting for a guide? Then you’re at the right place. This article will walk you through the best techniques followed in Hydroponic farming. Stick around to know the hacks that work and benefit from it. We will provide you with a step-by-step guide on Hydroponic Beans farming. So let’s dive into the topics.
20 December 2022
Orange and red coloured carrots are everyone’s favourite because of their vibrant colour and sweet taste. The only hindrance to high-yielding carrot plants is damage caused by pests and diseases. Management of these diseases require preventive and control measures.
20 December 2022
Soybean counts among the world’s most essential pulse crops, plus it contains plenty of protein and fulfills oil needs. Soybean efficient production is a limitation related to abiotic and biotic factors and crop management operations.
20 December 2022
खेत की तैयारी: सितम्बर माह के अंतिम सप्ताह में हल से चार से पाँच बार जोताई कर देनी चाहिये, जिससे 25 सेंटीमीटर गहराई तक खेत तैयार हो जाए हल्की तथा अच्छी जुती मिट्टी में आलू कंद अधिक बैठते हैं| प्रत्येक जुताई के बाद पाटा दे देने से मिट्टी समतल तथा भुरभूरी हो जाती है एवं खेत में नमी का संरक्षण भी होता है| अंतिम जुताई के साथ हीं 20 टन प्रति हेक्टर सड़ी हुई गोबर की खाद खेत में देकर बराबर मिला देने से पैदावार में काफी वृद्धि हो जाती है| मिट्टी: दोमट तथा बलुई दोमट मिट्टियाँ जिसमें जैविक पदार्थ की बहुलता हो आलू की खेती के लिए उपयुक्त है| अच्छी जल निकासवाली, समतल और उपजाऊ जमीन आलू की खेती के लिए उत्तम मानी जाती है|
19 December 2022
Looking to grow delicious and healthy tomatoes? Get a brief guide on tomato farming. Click now to discover the best practices for cultivating juicy, flavorful tomatoes and improving your farm's productivity!
17 December 2022
Onion Farming- From Planting To Harvesting. This article covers everything from sowing to soil preparation and checking climate conditions. Do you want to know in detail about the unique aspects and factors of onion farming? You’ve come to the correct page; we will take you through a step-by-step guide on onion cultivation. Let’s dive into the directory.
17 December 2022
Cucumber is a valuable greenhouse crop. It is very popular in five-star hotels. It can be found in salads, raita, and pickles. It easy to cultivate than other crops. Due to this, the cucumber farming is popular among farmers. It is generally cultivated throughout the year.
17 December 2022