Top Varieties of Brinjal Grown in India

Top Varieties of Brinjal Grown in India

Brinjal is considered native to India and mostly grown in Asian countries. It can be grown throughout the year. Here is the list of common varieties of brinjal grown in India.

05 May 2022

top 3 watermelon seed variety

top 3 watermelon seed variety

Watermelons are such a delightful and refreshing summer staple – it seems almost too good to be true that we can grow these fruits in our own backyards. Of course, there are so many incredible varieties to choose from, it can be very difficult to know which ones to pick.

05 May 2022

powdery mildew disease control

powdery mildew disease control

the crop load considerably or might even prevent the fruit set.  The fungus parasitizes young tissues of all parts of the inflorescence, leaves, and fruits.

05 May 2022



PESTS AND DISEASES IN ORANGES Bacterial citrus canker Leaf and fruit spot Melatose Scab Stem and end rots Phytophthora

05 May 2022

FMC Coragen Insecticide benefits

FMC Coragen Insecticide benefits

Coragen में दिया जाने वाला केमिकल SC फॉर्म्युलेशन में होता है। इसके अंदर पाई जाने वाली तकनीक का नाम है क्लोरेंट्रानिलिप्रोल 18% Sc. जो पानी में पूरी तरह से घुलनशील है। एससी फॉर्मूलेशन एक बहुत अच्छा फॉर्म है जो तकनीकी को सुरक्षित रखता है। और इसका निर्माण जो हम सफेद रंग में देखते हैं और यह गाढ़े रूप में रहता है, यानी इसके अंदर का रसायन शहद जैसा गाढ़ा तरल होता है।

04 May 2022



Stem borer larvae breed under plants during germination. Insect infestation of stem borer is most pronounced in deep water rice with continuous flooding.

04 May 2022

Papaya Farming Guide

Papaya Farming Guide

Papaya also known as "Carica papaya" is a tropical fruit that is commercially important because of its nutritional and medicinal value. The cultivation of papaya began in South Mexico and Costa Rica.

04 May 2022

main problems faced by farmers in india

main problems faced by farmers in india

Some of the major problems and their possible solutions have been discussed as follows. Indian agriculture is plagued by several problems; some of them are natural and some others are manmade.

04 May 2022

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