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Tomato is a high-yielding, short duration crop, and an excellent option for those looking to harvest a commercially important crop, four times a year. It is also well known as a protective and healthy food source, due to its special nutritional values. Tomato is one of the most versatile vegetables, with wide ranging use in Indian culinary tradition. The estimated area under cultivation in India is about 350.000 ha. That’s why this vegetable crop is also very important from an economic point of view.
As already mentioned in our previous Kharif blogs, a thorough analysis of the right variety is crucial for the whole cultivation cycle and a productive yield.
For fresh market tomato production, the following points should be considered when it comes to variety selection:
It is recommended that the selection of the best variety should be made with input from buyers and your customer base, several months in advance of planting. Our #PlantiXperts in the community would love to help you in case you still need more information.
To achieve a fine slope, plough and prepare the ground 3 to 4 times. During the last ploughing, add approx 10 tonnes/ha of farmyard manure (FYM) or 1-1.5 tonnes/ha of vermi-compost/compost per hectare.
For suppressing weeds and plant root nematodes, it is also advisable to consider green manure for areas with expected rainfalls. In this case, green manuring means growing crops like sunn hemp and ploughing them into soil after 45 days. Once the sunhemp has decomposed, the soil will benefit significantly from the nutrients. If you prefer to grow your tomatoes in a greenhouse, we recommend that you also read this article about best practices for greenhouse cultivation.
Tomatoes can be vulnerable to a variety of pests and diseases. Since many of them are not easy to control after they break out, the key to growing healthy tomatoes is to take into account the following preventive measures.
If you want to grow tomatoes in the coming season, set up a Crop Advisory with agribegri: The top crop pundit!
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