Vegetable Seeds for Rainy, Summer, and Winter Season agribegri

Vegetable Seeds for Rainy, Summer, and Winter Season agribegri

Grоwing vegetаbles  is  аn  eаsy  wаy  tо  sаve  mоney,  stаy  асtive  аnd  eаt  fresh  vegetаbles.  Grоwing  vegetаble  рlаnts  frоm  seeds  is  аn  eаsy  рrосess.  It  is  сheарer  thаn  buying  а  trаnsрlаnt.  Whаtever  the  reаsоn,  stаrting  рlаnts  frоm  seed  mаy  nоt  be  аs  diffiсult  аs  yоu  think.

12 May 2022

Electric Power Tiller: Next Step Towards Modern Agriculture agribegri

Electric Power Tiller: Next Step Towards Modern Agriculture agribegri

Power Tiller broadly utilized for turning or rotating development in wet puddle soil. For Indian marginal farmers, a Power Tiller is the most ideal decision. It replaces the animal efforts more successfully and helps to reduce efforts for human work. It is a machine gathered with a 1.5 HP motor and planned as such to push forward or in reverse different farming gear.

12 May 2022

Cultivating Watermelons agribegri

Cultivating Watermelons agribegri

It’s generally known, India is heavily affected by droughts. For this reason, short-term crops are becoming much more interesting for farmers. As melon crops will be ready within 70 to 80 days, they are preferred over medium to long duration crops like tomatoes, peppers, eggplant & other fruit crops. In this blog article we would like to introduce you to the advantages of growing watermelons and give you some best-practice hints along the way.

11 May 2022

Controlling Bacterial Wilt agribegrii

Controlling Bacterial Wilt agribegrii

Bacterial Wilt (BW) is caused by bacteria found in the soil and is one of the major diseases affecting commercially grown plants such as tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, and other solanaceous plants. It is not easy to spot Bacterial Wilt because the symptoms are very different from other wilt infections. In the case of bacterial rot, the leaves do not turn yellow and have spots as do other fungal diseases. Instead, the plant withers and dies quickly, without much warning.

11 May 2022

Kharif Season-Cultivating Tomato

Kharif Season-Cultivating Tomato

Tomato is a high-yielding, short duration crop, and an excellent option for those looking to harvest a commercially important crop, four times a year. It is also well known as a protective and healthy food source, due to its special nutritional values. Tomato is one of the most versatile vegetables, with wide ranging use in Indian culinary tradition. The estimated area under cultivation in India is about 350.000 ha. That’s why this vegetable crop is also very important from an economic point of view.

11 May 2022

Management and Control of sucking pests-agribegri

Management and Control of sucking pests-agribegri

They can cause curly leaves, deformed fruit, withering, browning and drying of the entire crop. As a result of pest infestation, sucking pests act as vectors for viral diseases and can lead to serious yield losses by sucking the cell sap from crops

11 May 2022

Leaf spot diseases and treatment

Leaf spot diseases and treatment

The infection can occur at any growth stage and is visible on leaves, petioles and stems. Initial symptoms appear as small, round and slightly sunken spots on the upper side of the older, lower leaves. Over time, the spots grow larger, more irregular and surrounded by a yellow halo. Later on, the leaf spots are visible on both leaf surfaces. The older spots merge and take on different characteristics, depending on their location on the leaf

11 May 2022

10 most Common Plant Pests agribegri

10 most Common Plant Pests agribegri

Healthy plants are able to tolerate a few pests, but if too many bugs decide to take up residence on your plants, most are easily controlled with simple, safe solutions. The first step is to know exactly what pests you’re dealing with. If your plants fall victim to pests, avoid chemicals as much as possible. Insecticides aren’t only unhealthy, but they also kill beneficial insects that keep pests in control. Be sure to keep your garden clean and free of debris where pests can hide. Here are 10 of the most common plant pests, and how you can keep them in check.

07 May 2022

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